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The 20th JCT Traffic Signal Symposium & Exhibition

17th and 18th September at The University of Warwick.

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This page provides archive information on the 2015 Symposium.

For this year's Symposium, please click here

The 2015 Symposium was held at The University of Warwick on the 17th and 18th of September 2015. The format of the event was the same as in previous years and included a Symposium programme filled with topical presentations, a specialist Exhibition, and plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends and colleagues and network with new contacts.

The MOVA User Group was also held at the University on Wednesday 16th September.


The JCT Symposium & Exhibition started in 1996 as a way to bring traffic signal practitioners together with manufacturers and to maintain a sense of community amongst signals engineers. It is intended to run as an affordable conference that is accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of experience and that encourages the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practice. Over the past few years, the symposium has consolidated its position as the UK's best conference event for traffic signals.

The Symposium & Exhibition runs over two days, and is usually preceded by the MOVA user group. It mixes conference style papers, the principal manufacturers, networking opportunities and organised social events in the evening. As far as content goes, the emphasis is on the signals community itself and JCT seeks submission of papers and presentations from working signal engineers, manufacturers and suppliers. But the broad appeal of the programme means that papers are also welcome from policy makers, interest groups, and academics. If you would like to share your experience with the signals community then please let us know and we will do everything we can to help you including subsidising attendance at this event.

Prizes 2015

As regular Symposium attendees will know prizes are awarded each year for the papers presented. The prizes are awarded by a panel of eminent traffic signal professionals

This year's prizes were awarded as follows:

Overall Best Paper

Dartford Traffic Management Cell - Using traffic signals to manage the northbound A282 flows through the Dartford Tunnels.
Kwasi Baffour (CPS), Dan Blackburn (DTBTECH Consulting), Mark Pleydell (PTC), Ian Routledge & Peter Routledge (Ian Routledge Consultancy).
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Best Presentation

Responsive not reactive - how intelligent data can help make better traffic management decsions in Greater Manchester
Tim Morris, Transport for Greater Manchester.

Paper Most Likely To Promote Best Value

Low Cost MOVA - Retrofitting MOVA to Existing SCOOT Controlled Signals for Increased Performance and Reduced Installation Costs
Tom Sidall, Atkins.
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Most Innovative Paper

Minimising the Impact of Roadworks: Temporary Traffic Signals operated under fixed time UTC or full SCOOT control
Jackie Davies & Phillip Steele, Bristol CC & Pike Signals.
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Best presentation And Paper By A New Symposium Speaker

Traffic Design and Management through Transport for London's Road Modernisation Plan
Martha Hoskins, Transport for London.
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Institute of Highway Engineers Exhibition Treasure Hunt

The treasure hunt prize of a Playstation 4 was won by Catherine Evans, Transport for London.

Westcotec After Dinner competition

Two magnums of champagne were won in the Westcotec After Dinner competition.

2015 Symposium Papers

The programme of papers for 2015 was as follows:

Advance Green Cycle Filters - Design and implementation. Experience gained in Cambridgeshire and Norwich
Daniel Downes & Dave Moore, Cambridgeshire CC & Greensignals
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50 Years of professional registration, professional certificates and the experiential route to CEng
John Nightingale, Institute of Highway Engineers 

Re-opening the roads during works-how MCL Infrastructure kept traffic moving
Nick Cowley, MCL Group Industries

Bus Priority in Practice
James Daniels, Siemens

Responsive Linking For MOVA at A64 / A1079 Grimston Bar
Chris Fergusson, CH2M HILL
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Low Cost MOVA - Retrofitting MOVA to Existing SCOOT Controlled Signals for Increased Performance and Reduced Installation Costs
Tom Sidall, Atkins
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Traffic Signals in Smart Cities
Paul Blakeman, Imtech Traffic & Infra

MOVA User Group Update
Dan Preece, Integrated Traffic Services

Variable Message Sign Specifications - How to select the right VMS for your needs
Wolfgang Ernst, SWARCO Traffic

Dartford Traffic Management Cell - Using traffic signals to manage the northbound A282 flows through the Dartford Tunnels
Kwasi Baffour (CPS), Dan Blackburn (DTBTECH Consulting), Mark Pleydell (PTC), Ian Routledge & Peter Routledge (Ian Routledge Consultancy)
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Energy Efficient Intersections: Can co-operative approaches deliver measurable benefits?
Pri Boyd (Siemens), Ray King (Newcastle City Council), Simon Edwards (Newcastle University)

Traffic Design and Management through Transport for London’s Road Modernisation Plan
Martha Hoskins, Transport for London
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Minimising the Impact of Roadworks: Temporary Traffic Signals operated under fixed time UTC or full SCOOT control
Jackie Davies & Phillip Steele, Bristol CC & Pike Signals
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Merging Traffic at Signalled Junctions - Lane Choice and Driver Behaviour
Chris Kennett, Greensignals
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A78 Fairlie, an innovative approach to encouraging speed compliance using traffic signals
Graham Muspratt, Clearview Traffic Group
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The Tristar & Krakow system - a PTV Balance and PTV Epics case study
Florian Weichenmeier, PTV Group
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Reading Bluetooth journey time monitoring system - Practical application and lessons learnt
Rob McDonald, Peter Brett Associates & Reading Borough Council
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Responsive not reactive - how intelligent data can help make better traffic management decsions in Greater Manchester
Timothy Morris, Transport for Greater Manchester

Cycling and Signals - the Opportunities and Constraints
John Dales, Urban Movement

Designing for Cyclists at Signal Junctions
Andy Mayo, Local Transport Projects

Cooperative Systems - Values and benefits
Marcus Laking, Imtech Traffic & Infra

Feet First: Using SCATS to Improve Pedestrian Provision in Dublin
Barry McCann & Robert Curley, Dublin City Council
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When should ghost islands be provided at priority junctions, and the application of DMRB standards on local roads?
Steve Windass, Local Transport Projects
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Road Safety Audits of Traffic Signal Schemes
David Prior, Waterman Infrastructure & Environment
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Traffic Signals from a Planning Perspective
Simon Moon, DHA Planning


The Symposium has had a parallel exhibition for many years and this year the additional exhibition space at Warwick means the exhibition was bigger and better than ever. As in previous years the exhibition included stands for most of the key companies in the traffic signals field and entry was free for Symposium delegates.

Exhibitors for 2015 included:

  • AGD Systems
  • Aldridge Traffic Systems
  • Case Communications
  • CA Traffic / Variable Message Signs
  • Clearview Traffic Group
  • FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Highways Magazine
  • IDT
  • Imtech Traffic and Infra UK
  • Institute of Highway Engineers
  • JCT Consultancy
  • MCL Infrastructure
  • Motus Traffic
  • NAL
  • NOW Wireless
  • Pike Signals
  • Radix Traffic
  • Ritherdon & Co
  • RTEM
  • Sapa Pole Products
  • Siemens
  • SRL Traffic Systems
  • Swarco Traffic
  • TDC Systems
  • TEC Magazine
  • telent Technology Services
  • Vysionics ITS
  • Westcotec

Event Sponsors

As in previous years the Symposium was sponsored by several major companies from the traffic control industry. Once again, Siemens generously sponsored the main Gala Dinner on the Thursday evening.

The following events were kindly supported by our sponsors:

  • Gala Dinner (Thurs Eve) - Siemens
  • Drinks Reception (Thurs Eve) - Swarco
  • Evening Social/Networking on Wed and Thu - Imtech Traffic and Infra UK, Motus, NAL, Swarco, CA Traffic / VMS
  • Gala Dinner competition - Westcotec


2015 saw the Symposium at The University of Warwick for a fifth year. This popular conference venue provided us with all the facilities we needed for the presentations, the exhibition, on-site overnight accommodation and networking/social events.

The University is located centrally within the UK just south of Coventry and has good transport links with the rest of the country being only a few minutes from the M6 and railway stations. For international visitors Birmingham airport is only 10 miles away.

Further Information

If you would like any further information regarding the Symposium or Exhibition please don't hesitate to contact us at


Upcoming courses

20 May 2025: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

20 May 2025: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more

22 May 2025: LinSig3 : Junction Modelling Computer Workshop ...more

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