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Course list

We offer several different types of training

JCT Consultancy offer an extensive range of courses in traffic engineering. These include training in traffic signals methodology, traffic engineering software, traffic signal controllers, traffic signal management, junction design and checking traffic models. Our courses also offer a range of levels from introductory through to advanced methodology and accordingly, are directed at complete beginners through to experienced professionals.

Institute of Highway Engineers Professional Development Partnership logo JCT Traffic Signals Skills Hub

Most of our courses are IHE approved: all attending delegates benefit from a well established, structured and practical training experience with experienced tuition and comprehensive resources.

What follows is a list of the different types of training course we currently offer our delegates. Click on the links to learn more about course content, pre-requisites and who should attend:


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Upcoming courses

13 May 2024: Practical Application of MOVA Computer Workshop including the use of MOVA Tools and MOVA Simulation ...more

13 May 2024: Understanding and Optimising Mobile Technologies for traffic and transportation applications ...more

14 May 2024: Introduction to Traffic Signals ...more

21 May 2024: Online Basic Introduction to Traffic Signals for SCATS based regions (€90 discount for ITS Ireland members) ...more

04 Jun 2024: Interpretation and writing of TOPAS 2500 Controller Specification forms for Transport Modellers and Design Engineers ...more

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